General information of the hydraulic workshop press
ATM workshop presses can be used for bending, twisting and straightening operations in any workshops. In the technical properties part maximum pressing forces are given. On the body of the press, there is a graded-adjustable movable table. Besides in case of the failure of the electric motor, the pressing force on the piece can be applied mechanically(Optional) by using the pump lever/hand. The force applied by the pump lever on the piece depends on the force applied to the lever.

The hydraulic cylinder group found on the upper table than can be moved right and left between the two columns by using movable bearings on the upper table. The hydraulic cylinder group can be made to press everywhere between the columns. In case, there is difficulty in moving the piece over the lower table, the hydraulic cylinder group can be moved to a required place and thus accomplishing pressing operation. Movement of the hydraulic cylinder group.
Main dimensions of the presses


Electrical motor

Hydraulic system


Safety standards about machines
DIN EN 292-1
Safety of machinery – basic concepts, general principles for design
Part 1: Basic terminology, methodology
DIN EN 292-2
Safety of machinery – basic concepts, general principles for design
Part 2: Technical principles and specifications
DIN EN 693
Machine tools – hydraulic presses – safety
DIN EN 842
Safety of machinery – visual danger signals – general requirements – design and testing
DIN EN 953
Safety of machinery – Guards – General requirements for the design and construction of fixed and movable guards
DIN EN 981
Safety of machinery – sytem of auditory and visual danger and information signals
DIN Pr En 982
Safety requirements for fluid power systems and components-hydraulics
DIN EN 1050
Safety of machinery – principles for risk assessment”
DIN EN 60204-1
Safety of machinery – electrical equipment of machines
Part 1: general requirements