System solutions – Ballistic industries
ATM supplies machines for the production of helmets, protective plates, missile warheads, artillery shells, gun tube straightening and much more.
The production plant includes presses, CNC-Lates, Dies, AutoClave, sandblasting machines, painting booths, printing machines, Vacuum Sintering Furnace, Vacuum dewaxing Furnace,
You can produce:

Extend the limits of what is possible
Protecting heroes, inspiring athletes, exploring new frontiers and improving the way there: The versatility, durability and strength of DuPont ™ Kevlar® enables fantastic performance and always offers new opportunities so that we can all dare more with Dare Bigger ™.
Ballistic industries Advantage of Kevlar® with ATM Hot Presses
ATM Hot forming presses are programmed for heating and cooling cycle according to the Kevlar curring process. So we can achive best Products from Kevlar.
Why is the Kevlar® used with our Presses? Despite its low weight, Kevlar® offers high strength and thus offers the perfect balance of form and function. In this way, you can achieve unprecedented performance dimensions and new opportunities for a better future. Whether for protective equipment, consumer products or in traffic: Kevlar® always offers the highest level of innovation.
- Aerospace
- Automotive industry
- Consumer products
- Mining
- Fiber optic cable
- Crisis response
- Military protective clothing
- Military helmets
- Ropes and cables
- Cut protection
- Security and protection
- Strength members for oil and gas production
- Prosecution
- Vehicle armor
- Personal protective equipment for industrial workers
Protect, protect us – everywhere and from head to toe
Our raw material supplier DuPont provides its knowledge of materials for body protection also in the military area. Our engineers and other professionals are committed to making products that protect our protectors. Because their load is already big enough, we have to support them with innovative technologies and materials for military body protection, combat helmets, vehicle armor and more.
Today DuPont ™ Kevlar® and DuPont ™ Nomex® products are produced with our presses and used in military body protection clothing, helmets, flight suits and chemical protection suits.
Our core business is security; Our noblest task is to bring everyone home safely.
System solutions for the ballistic industries Military protective clothing

Supporting those who serve our country means offering them protection from the original ballistic fiber – DuPont ™ Kevlar® fiber for military protective vests.